Whatever you did for the least of these… you did for me.
The Church “Living Israel Tallinn” – is part of the congregation of messianic communities "Living Israel", which are also located in other countries - Israel, America, Czech Republic, Russia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania.
We are a non-profit Christian organization “Living Israel”. We are proud to announce that for 11 years we have been providing assistance and engaging in acts of mercy in the city of Tallinn, Estonia. Our main goal is to help those in need: the homeless, addicts, and lonely people.
We are proud to provide warm homes and rehabilitation centers for dependent people. We also take care of low-income citizens by providing them with food at the central market of Tallinn. Moreover, we conduct prison ministry, visiting prisoners and sharing the Gospel and personal testimonies with them.
Within our organization, there is also a Church service. Every Saturday at 12:00 we invite you to attend a church meeting at Männiku tee 108c. We offer a variety of services, including prayer, reading and analysis of the Bible, games, consultations, and deep conversations with our pastor and consultants. We believe that every person deserves love, support, and hope.
We are proud of our organization and invite you to join us in our good deeds. Together we can make the world a better place!
- Worship
- Word of God
- Feed the Hungry
- Children's Ministry
- Prayer Ministry
- Evangelization
- Bible school
- Prison Ministry
- Rehabilitation centers
Worship is a conscious entrance into the presence of God through thanksgiving and praise.
Worship is when God speaks, and we listen to Him.
“Serve the Lord with joy; come to Him with rejoicing!
Know that the Lord is God, that He created us, and we belong to Him, we are His people and the sheep of His pasture.
Enter His gates with praise, His courts with song.
Praise Him, glorify His name, for the Lord is good: His mercy lasts forever, and His truth - from generation to generation.” Psalm 100:2-5
“Be still and know that I am God” Psalm 46:11Worship is not just songs about Jesus.
Worship is a conscious entrance into the presence of God through thanksgiving and praise.
Worship is when God speaks, and we listen to Him.
“Serve the Lord with joy; come to Him with rejoicing!
Know that the Lord is God, that He created us, and we belong to Him, we are His people and the sheep of His pasture.
Enter His gates with praise, His courts with song.
Praise Him, glorify His name, for the Lord is good: His mercy lasts forever, and His truth - from generation to generation.” Psalm 100:2-5
“Be still and know that I am God” Psalm 46:11
To pray for the sick with the laying on of hands is not only to ask for healing, but also to convey to them the peace and joy of the Lord. To cast out demons and demons in the name of Jesus Christ is not only to free a person from evil, but also to bring him into the kingdom of light.
Since 2019, every Sunday at 9.00 am at the central market of Tallinn, our church serves people hot soup, distributes food and clothing. We preach the Gospel. On average, 50-70 people come, and sometimes more. These are very different people with different destinies. Among them are asocial people and people with various deviations. They come on foot, and sometimes wheelchair users and just pensioners come. Different fates for different people. Someone is a veteran, for example, of the Afghan war, and someone has a higher education or even a scientific degree, but something went wrong in life.
People come who are experiencing deep depression and despair. They come for a kind word, a plate of hot soup and just a smile. “You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. And when they light a candle, they do not put it under a vessel, but on a candlestick, and it gives light to all in the house. Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father who is in heaven.” Matthew 5:14-16

Depending on the age of the child, the minister can offer him various activities and games. Sometimes someone from the parents participates in the children’s ministry to help the minister communicate with the children.
“Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward.” Psalm 126:3

I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; for kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth. For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus; Who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time. (1 Timothy 2:1-6)
O, how great and glorious is prayer,
By which we approach God!
It opens to us the door of heaven,
It comforts us in sorrow and pain.
Prayer is the breath of the soul,
Which carries our passions and desires.
Prayer is the song, by which we praise
The One Who gave us life and salvation.
Prayer is the power, which gives
Us courage and faith in the fight with enemies.
Prayer is the light, which illuminates
Our way to the Kingdom of God and His gifts.
Prayer is the gift, which we receive
From God, Who hears us always.
Prayer is the miracle, which we create
Ourselves, when we communicate with our Father.
Preachers not only bring the message of the Gospel but also a sense of care, support, attention, compassion, and understanding to each person who is in a challenging situation. Evangelistic meetings become a place where every individual can hear the good news and find spiritual relief in their difficulties, gaining hope.
For us, every person matters as an individual. We take into account the circumstances and needs of each person. This includes conversations, prayers, and personal testimonies.
While the ministry primarily focuses on preaching, we also spend time with young people in informal settings. Here, the Word of God is accompanied by active love, and each person has the opportunity to encounter the good news in a more comfortable environment. We actively invite young people to participate in rehabilitation programs, providing all necessary information about rehabilitation centers and inviting them to church.
The rehabilitation program becomes an opportunity for the homeless to overcome their difficulties and find a fresh start in life.
Jesus commanded: Matt 28:19-20: “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you; and behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age. Amen.” And what to teach? After all, it seems that in order to fulfill the commandments, one must love God and one’s neighbor, what else to learn or what to teach? What to observe, besides faith in Christ? And in order to teach, one must learn oneself :) How much is hidden in these words …
There are two biblical schools in the congregation for teaching those who wish. One of them is located in Haifa, the northern region of Israel, and the other in Riga. They were started many years ago and operate to this day to transform people’s lives through biblical teaching.
The schools actively teach people of various kinds, including former addicts, giving them the opportunity to deepen their faith, not staying at the usual and comfortable level of understanding. The schools are created for spiritual growth.
The Biblical School of Discipleship is a place where students can study the Holy Scripture and apply its principles in everyday life.
This school creates a unique environment, uniting people with a common faith and a desire for spiritual growth. In such an atmosphere, it is much more interesting to delve into and learn, immersing yourself and dedicating yourself to discipleship.
The schools focus not only on studying the Holy Scriptures (theory), but also on the practical application of biblical teachings in the lives of students.
Through biblical principles and approaches, we strive to develop ourselves and reach other people, preaching the Gospel, the good news about Jesus Christ.
The Bible, in this way, is a spiritual community, where people find not only biblical teaching, but also support. And then the opportunity to use the acquired knowledge in practice.
The school welcomes and accepts for training normative believers who face various difficulties and searches in their lives or want to renew their relationship with the Lord and spend time more dedicated.
This, so to speak, “educational spiritual refuge”, especially suitable for those who are looking for answers to questions about the meaning of life, face personal difficulties, or just want to deepen their spiritual life.
People with different professions, baggage of life experience and level of spiritual maturity are here in unity of faith. And everyone can find understanding.
The Biblical School of Discipleship also offers normative believers the opportunity to better understand and apply biblical principles in their daily lives.
The curricula and classes cover a wide range of topics from different teachers, pastors and ministers.
The duration of the training is two (Riga) or three (Haifa) months, followed by three months of practice in one of the congregations of the congregation.
For the history of its existence as of 25.01.2024 The schools have trained and graduated a total of 44 streams of students. We invite you to study. For more information, contact the ministers of the congregation.
In our team, there are support figures who provide individual assistance and spiritual mentoring in Tallinn and Tartu prisons.
We share our faith, help individuals recognize their value in the eyes of God, and build trusting relationships.
Through love and understanding, we become a pillar of support for those who turn to the Lord and seek a path to change their mindset in the prison environment.
We regularly attend worship services in prisons, sharing time with inmates for worship, prayer, and Bible study.
Our meetings bring joy to the incarcerated, bringing light to the dark moments of their lives and providing spiritual support. In this way, we fulfill the command of Jesus Christ (Matthew 25:37, 39-40): “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? … When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’ The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’”
The group consultations we conduct for alcohol and drug-dependent individuals in prisons on a weekly basis create a sense of support and understanding. In these meetings, all participants share experiences, find mutual support, and receive spiritual tools for growth, learning from the experiences of those who have successfully overcome addiction and live sober lives.

Two rehabilitation centers, with a capacity of up to 25(?) people each, operate actively within the city limits, in the Männiku-Nõmme district, providing assistance in recovery and restoration.
The rehabilitation program, provided by the ministry, covers a nine-month period, during which the guys delve into the basics of the Christian faith in Jesus Christ.
In addition, they acquire skills of discipline and master the art of making the right decisions by developing responsibility. Before themselves and before society.
The rehabilitation centers provide a controlled environment, where the guys can go through the process of recovery, acquiring new skills and perspectives under the guidance of ministers.
Our centers are called to help people suffering from alcohol and drug addiction, with the aim of freeing them from this burden and restoring their personalities.
Short services are held daily at the rehabilitation center.
Morning sessions include training based on the book of Proverbs, aimed at spiritual development and formation of positive values.
In the evening, participants take part in a general meeting, aimed at supporting the process of recovery and spiritual formation.
During rehabilitation, all the guys are accustomed to discipline and hard work.

- Worship
- Word of God
- Feed the Hungry
- Children's Ministry
- Prayer Ministry
- Evangelization
- Bible school
- Prison Ministry
- Rehabilitation centers
Worship is a conscious entrance into the presence of God through thanksgiving and praise.
Worship is when God speaks, and we listen to Him.
“Serve the Lord with joy; come to Him with rejoicing!
Know that the Lord is God, that He created us, and we belong to Him, we are His people and the sheep of His pasture.
Enter His gates with praise, His courts with song.
Praise Him, glorify His name, for the Lord is good: His mercy lasts forever, and His truth - from generation to generation.” Psalm 100:2-5
“Be still and know that I am God” Psalm 46:11
To pray for the sick with the laying on of hands is not only to ask for healing, but also to convey to them the peace and joy of the Lord. To cast out demons and demons in the name of Jesus Christ is not only to free a person from evil, but also to bring him into the kingdom of light.
Since 2019, every Sunday at 9.00 am at the central market of Tallinn, our church serves people hot soup, distributes food and clothing. We preach the Gospel. On average, 50-70 people come, and sometimes more. These are very different people with different destinies. Among them are asocial people and people with various deviations. They come on foot, and sometimes wheelchair users and just pensioners come. Different fates for different people. Someone is a veteran, for example, of the Afghan war, and someone has a higher education or even a scientific degree, but something went wrong in life.
People come who are experiencing deep depression and despair. They come for a kind word, a plate of hot soup and just a smile. “You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. And when they light a candle, they do not put it under a vessel, but on a candlestick, and it gives light to all in the house. Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father who is in heaven.” Matthew 5:14-16

Depending on the age of the child, the minister can offer him various activities and games. Sometimes someone from the parents participates in the children’s ministry to help the minister communicate with the children.
“Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward.” Psalm 126:3

I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; for kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth. For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus; Who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time. (1 Timothy 2:1-6)
O, how great and glorious is prayer,
By which we approach God!
It opens to us the door of heaven,
It comforts us in sorrow and pain.
Prayer is the breath of the soul,
Which carries our passions and desires.
Prayer is the song, by which we praise
The One Who gave us life and salvation.
Prayer is the power, which gives
Us courage and faith in the fight with enemies.
Prayer is the light, which illuminates
Our way to the Kingdom of God and His gifts.
Prayer is the gift, which we receive
From God, Who hears us always.
Prayer is the miracle, which we create
Ourselves, when we communicate with our Father.

Preachers not only bring the message of the Gospel but also a sense of care, support, attention, compassion, and understanding to each person who is in a challenging situation. Evangelistic meetings become a place where every individual can hear the good news and find spiritual relief in their difficulties, gaining hope.
For us, every person matters as an individual. We take into account the circumstances and needs of each person. This includes conversations, prayers, and personal testimonies.
While the ministry primarily focuses on preaching, we also spend time with young people in informal settings. Here, the Word of God is accompanied by active love, and each person has the opportunity to encounter the good news in a more comfortable environment. We actively invite young people to participate in rehabilitation programs, providing all necessary information about rehabilitation centers and inviting them to church.
The rehabilitation program becomes an opportunity for the homeless to overcome their difficulties and find a fresh start in life.
Jesus commanded: Matt 28:19-20: “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you; and behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age. Amen.” And what to teach? After all, it seems that in order to fulfill the commandments, one must love God and one’s neighbor, what else to learn or what to teach? What to observe, besides faith in Christ? And in order to teach, one must learn oneself :) How much is hidden in these words …
There are two biblical schools in the congregation for teaching those who wish. One of them is located in Haifa, the northern region of Israel, and the other in Riga. They were started many years ago and operate to this day to transform people’s lives through biblical teaching.
The schools actively teach people of various kinds, including former addicts, giving them the opportunity to deepen their faith, not staying at the usual and comfortable level of understanding. The schools are created for spiritual growth.
The Biblical School of Discipleship is a place where students can study the Holy Scripture and apply its principles in everyday life.
This school creates a unique environment, uniting people with a common faith and a desire for spiritual growth. In such an atmosphere, it is much more interesting to delve into and learn, immersing yourself and dedicating yourself to discipleship.
The schools focus not only on studying the Holy Scriptures (theory), but also on the practical application of biblical teachings in the lives of students.
Through biblical principles and approaches, we strive to develop ourselves and reach other people, preaching the Gospel, the good news about Jesus Christ.
The Bible, in this way, is a spiritual community, where people find not only biblical teaching, but also support. And then the opportunity to use the acquired knowledge in practice.
The school welcomes and accepts for training normative believers who face various difficulties and searches in their lives or want to renew their relationship with the Lord and spend time more dedicated.
This, so to speak, “educational spiritual refuge”, especially suitable for those who are looking for answers to questions about the meaning of life, face personal difficulties, or just want to deepen their spiritual life.
People with different professions, baggage of life experience and level of spiritual maturity are here in unity of faith. And everyone can find understanding.
The Biblical School of Discipleship also offers normative believers the opportunity to better understand and apply biblical principles in their daily lives.
The curricula and classes cover a wide range of topics from different teachers, pastors and ministers.
The duration of the training is two (Riga) or three (Haifa) months, followed by three months of practice in one of the congregations of the congregation.
For the history of its existence as of 25.01.2024 The schools have trained and graduated a total of 44 streams of students. We invite you to study. For more information, contact the ministers of the congregation.
In our team, there are support figures who provide individual assistance and spiritual mentoring in Tallinn and Tartu prisons.
We share our faith, help individuals recognize their value in the eyes of God, and build trusting relationships.
Through love and understanding, we become a pillar of support for those who turn to the Lord and seek a path to change their mindset in the prison environment.
We regularly attend worship services in prisons, sharing time with inmates for worship, prayer, and Bible study.
Our meetings bring joy to the incarcerated, bringing light to the dark moments of their lives and providing spiritual support. In this way, we fulfill the command of Jesus Christ (Matthew 25:37, 39-40): “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? … When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’ The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’”
The group consultations we conduct for alcohol and drug-dependent individuals in prisons on a weekly basis create a sense of support and understanding. In these meetings, all participants share experiences, find mutual support, and receive spiritual tools for growth, learning from the experiences of those who have successfully overcome addiction and live sober lives.

Two rehabilitation centers, with a capacity of up to 25(?) people each, operate actively within the city limits, in the Männiku-Nõmme district, providing assistance in recovery and restoration.
The rehabilitation program, provided by the ministry, covers a nine-month period, during which the guys delve into the basics of the Christian faith in Jesus Christ.
In addition, they acquire skills of discipline and master the art of making the right decisions by developing responsibility. Before themselves and before society.
The rehabilitation centers provide a controlled environment, where the guys can go through the process of recovery, acquiring new skills and perspectives under the guidance of ministers.
Our centers are called to help people suffering from alcohol and drug addiction, with the aim of freeing them from this burden and restoring their personalities.
Short services are held daily at the rehabilitation center.
Morning sessions include training based on the book of Proverbs, aimed at spiritual development and formation of positive values.
In the evening, participants take part in a general meeting, aimed at supporting the process of recovery and spiritual formation.
During rehabilitation, all the guys are accustomed to discipline and hard work.

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